1. A. Shirov, “Corona crisis as a challenge for economic policy,” Vedomosti, Dec. 29 (2020). https://www.vedomosti. ru/opinion/articles/2020/12/29/853008-vosstanavlivatsya-rost.
2. The World Bank Improved the Negative GDP Growth Forecast for Russia in 2020. https://tass.ru/ekonomika/ 10270561.
3. The Ministry of Economic Development Improved the Negative GDP Growth Forecast for Russia in 2020 to 3.8%. https://tass.ru/ekonomika/10351705.
4. Federal State Statistics Service of Russia. Socio-Economic Situation in Russia—2020. https://rosstat.gov.ru/ bgd/free/B20_00/Main.htm.
5. N. I. Komkov, “External and internal challenges and prospects for the modernization of Russia’s economy,” MIR (Modernizatsiya, Innovatsii, Razvit.) 9 (1), 12–24 (2018).