1. Federal Law as of December 10, 2003, 173-FL On the Currency Regulation and Currency Control, Garant Reference System [in Russian].
2. Edition of no. 83-FL as of May 17, 2007, as regards part 3 of entry 22 of 173-FL On the Currency Regulation and Currency Control Garant Reference System [in Russian].
3. Southern Customs Administration. An Advertisement (Rostov-on-Don, 2010) [in Russian].
4. “Rostov Bank Has Changed a SignBoard,” Gorod N, no. 21, June 9 (2009).
5. E. Strukova, “The EBRD Has Helped the Citizens of Rostov”, Vedomosti Rostov-na-Donu, no. 30, Feb. 19 (2008).