1. Domestic costs of research and development in the regions of the Russian Federation. http://www.gks.ru/ wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/ science /#.
2. Gross domestic expenditures on research and development by sector in % of GDP. http://ec.europa. eu/eurostat/data/database.
3. Innovative activity of organizations by regions of the Russian Federation. http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/ connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/science_ and_innovations/.
4. T. J. Webster, “Malaysian economic development, leading industries and industrial clusters,” Singapore Econ. Rev. 59 (5) (2015).
5. Association of clusters and technology parks. http://akitrf.ru/news/promyshlennye-klastery-sozdayut- usloviya-dlya-operezhayushchego-razvitiya-/.