1. Institute of International Finance. Global Debt Monitor, Jan. (2017). http://www.iif.com/publication/global-debtmonitor/global-debt-monitor-january-2017.
2. Bank for International Settlements, 85th Annual Report. April 1, 2014–March 31, 2015 (Basel, 2015), p. 94. http://www.bis.org/publ/arpdf/ar2015e.pdf.
3. Triennial Central Bank Survey. Foreign Exchange Turnover in April 2016 (BIS, 2016), pp. 9–10.
4. The Article by Vladimir Putin in the German Newspaper Handelsblatt, July 6 (2017). http://kremlin. ru/events/president/news/54988.
5. The Bank of Russia. http://www.cbr.ru/; Moscow Stock Exchange. https://www.moex.com.