1. IEEE 754-1985: IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic, New York: IEEE, 1985.
2. IEC 60559:1989. Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic for Microprocessor Systems, Geneve: ISO, 1989.
3. ISO-IEC 10967-1:1994. Information Technology—Language Independent Arithmetic—Part 1: Integer and Floating Point Arithmetic, Geneve: ISO, 1994.
4. ISO-IEC 10967-2:2002. Information Technology—Language Independent Arithmetic—Part 2: Elementary Numerical Functions, Geneve: ISO, 2002.
5. ISO-IEC 10967-3:2002. Information Technology—Language Independent Arithmetic—Part 3: Complex Integer and Floating Point Arithmetic and Complex Elementary Numerical Functions, Draft, Geneve: ISO, 2002.