1. Atamanyuk, I.N., Vervikishko, D.E., Sametov, A.A., Tarasenko, A.B., Shkol’nikov, E.I., and Yanilkin, I.V., Study of promising electrode materials for supercapacitors to be used in power stations based on renewable energy, Al’tern. Energ. Ekol., 2013, no. 11, p. 92.
2. Atamanyuk, I.N., Vervikishko, D.E., Grigorenko, A.V., Sametov, A.A., Shkol’nikov, E.I., and Yanilkin, I.V., The effect of technological parameters of electrode preparation on the electrochemical characteristics of supercapacitors with aqueous electrolyte, Elektrokhim. Energ., 2014, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 3.
3. Vervikishko, D.E., Yanilkin, I.V., Dobele, G.V., Vol’perts, A., Atamanyuk, I.N., Sametov, A.A., and Shkol’nikov, E.I., Activated carbon for electrodes in supercapacitors with aqueous electrolyte, Teplofiz. Vys. Temp., 2015, vol. 53, no. 5, p. 799.
4. Yanilkin, I.V., Sametov, A.A., and Shkolnikov, E.I., Effect of the amount of F4 fluoroplastic binder in carbon electrodes on characteristics of supercapacitors, Russ. J. Appl. Chem., 2015, vol. 88, no. 2, p. 335.
5. Yanilkin, I.V., Sametov, A.A., Atamanyuk, I.N., Vol’pert, A., Dobele, G.V., Zhurilova, M.A., Grigorenko, A.A., Kolokol’nikov, V.N., Vervikishko, D.E., and Shkol’nikov, E.I., Porous structure and electrical capacitance of charcoals in aqueous and organic electrolytes, Russ. J. Appl. Chem., 2015, vol. 88, no. 7, p. 1157.