1. V. N. Khlystun, “A quarter of a century of land transformations: Intentions and results,” Ekon. Sel’skokhoz. Pererab. Predpriyatii, No. 10, 13–17 (2015).
2. Resolution of the Russian Government of March 3, 2012, no. 297-r On the Approval of the State Policy Basics to Use the Russian Federation’s Land Fund for 2012–2020.
3. Resolution of the Russian Government of November 8, 2018, no. 2413-r Action Plan to Improve Legal regulation of Land Relations.
4. Information on the Availability and Distribution of Land in the Russian Federation of January 1, 2018 (in the entire Russian Federation). Form 22.
5. State (National) Report on the Status and Use of Lands in the Russian Federation in 2016 (Rosreestr, 2017).