1. Russia’s Science: From the Present to the Future, Ed. by V. S. Arutyunov, G. V. Lisichkin, and G. G. Malinetskii (LIBROKOM, Moscow, 2009) [in Russian].
2. S. P. Kapitsa, S. P. Kurdyumov, and G. G. Malinetskii, Synergetics and Forecasting the Future, 3rd ed. (Editorial URSS, Moscow, 2003) [in Russian].
3. Russia’s Future in the Mirror of Synergetics, Ed. by G. G. Malinetskii (KomKniga, Moscow, 2006) [in Russian].
4. N. N. Moiseev, Mathematics Is Setting up an Experiment (Nauka, Moscow, 1979) [in Russian].
5. S. Beer, Brain of the Firm, 2nd ed. (John Wiley, London, 1986; LIBROKOM, Moscow, 2009).