1. P. Adamson et al. (MINOS Collab.), Phys. Rev. D 76, 072005 (2007); arXiv:0706.0437.
2. T. Adam et al. (OPERA Collab.), arXiv:1109.4897v2.
3. A CERN press release from the OPERA Collaboration (dated February 23, 2012) states that two possible errors have been found and that new short-pulse measurements are scheduled for May, 2012.
4. M. Antonello et al. (ICARUS Collab.), arXiv:1203.3433v3.
5. Many papers on superluminal neutrinos have appeared since September 23, 2011 (see http://inspirehep.net/ for all papers quoting OPERA’s first preprint [2]), but, here, we only refer to those of direct relevance to our discussion.