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2. Vremennye metodicheske ukazaniya po upravleniyu ustoichivost’yu bortov kar’erov tsvetnoi metallurgii (Temporal Methodical Guides on Pitwall Stability Control in the Nonferrous Metallurgy, Moscow: Giproruda, 1989.
3. Methodicheskie ukazaniya po nablyudeniiyam za deformatsiyami bortov, otkosov ustupov i otvalov na kar’erakh i rzarabotke meropriyatii po obespechenyu ikh ustoichivosti (Methodical Guides on Deformation Control in Pitwalls and Dumps and on Slope Stability Measures), Approved by the Committee on Government Control over Emergences and Production Safety, order no. 39 dated Sep 22, 2008.
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5. Baklashov, I. V., Deformirovanie i razrushenie porodnykh massivov (Deformation and Failure of Rock Masses), Moscow: Nedra, 1988.