Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Reference20 articles.
1. R. S. Akopyan and A. V. Loboda, “On holomorphic realizations of nilpotent Lie algebras,” Funct. Anal. Appl. 53 (2), 124–128 (2019) [transl. from Funkts. Anal. Prilozh. 53 (2), 59–63 (2019)].
2. A. V. Atanov, I. G. Kossovskiy, and A. V. Loboda, “On orbits of action of 5-dimensional non-solvable Lie algebras in three-dimensional complex space,” Dokl. Math. 100 (1), 377–379 (2019) [transl. from Dokl. Akad. Nauk 487 (6), 607–610 (2019)].
3. A. V. Atanov and A. V. Loboda, “Decomposable five-dimensional Lie algebras in the problem of holomorphic homogeneity in $$\mathbb C^3$$,” in Modern Methods of Function Theory and Related Problems: Mater. Voronezh Winter Math. Sch., Jan. 28–Feb. 2, 2019 (VINITI, Moscow, 2019), Part 4, Itogi Nauki Tekh., Ser.: Sovrem. Mat. Prilozh., Temat. Obz. 173, pp. 86–115.
4. V. K. Beloshapka and I. G. Kossovskiy, “Homogeneous hypersurfaces in $$\mathbb C^3$$, associated with a model CR-cubic,” J. Geom. Anal. 20 (3), 538–564 (2010).
5. E. Cartan, “Sur la géométrie pseudo-conforme des hypersurfaces de l’espace de deux variables complexes,” Ann. Mat. Pura Appl., Ser. 4, 11, 17–90 (1932).
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2 articles.