1. G. D. Malyuzhinets, in Proceedings of III All-Union Symposium on Wave Diffraction (Nauka, Moscow, 1964), p. 113.
2. G. D. Malyuzhinets, Tr. Akust. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, No. 15, 124 (1971).
3. M. V. Fedoryuk, Tr. Akust. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, No. 15, 169 (1971).
4. M. Jessel, in Proceedings of 6th International Congress on Acoustics (Tokyo, 1968), Paper F-5-6.
5. M. Jessel and G. Mangiante, J. Sound Vibr. 23, 383 (1972).