1. S. L. Solov’ev and Ch. N. Go, Catalogue of Tsunamis on the Pacific West Coast (Nauka, Moscow, 1974) [in Russian].
2. S. L. Solov’ev, Ch. N. Go, and Kh. S. Kim, Catalogue of Tsunamis on the Pacific, 1969–1982 (Mezhvedomstvennyi geofizicheskii komitet, Moscow, 1986) [in Russian].
3. S. L. Solov’ev, “Basic data on tsunamis on the Pacific coast of the USSR,” in Study of Tsunamis in the Open Ocean (Nauka, Moscow, 1978), pp. 61–138 [in Russian].
4. Kh. S. Kim and A. B. Rabinovich, “Tsunamis on the northwestern coast of the Okhotsk Sea,” in Natural Catastrophes and Disasters in the Far Eastern Region (DVO AN SSSR, Vladivostok, 1990), Vol. 1, pp. 206–218 [in Russian].
5. N. A. Shchetnikov, Tsunamis on the Coasts of Sakhalin and Kuril Islands from 1952–1968 Mareographic Data (DVO AN SSSR, Vladivostok, 1990) [in Russian].