Specific Features of the Macrozoobenthic Communities of Small Arctic Lakes in Eurasia


Chertoprud M. V.,Krylenko S. V.,Lukinych A. I.,Glazov P. M.,Dubovskaya O. P.,Chertoprud E. S.


Abstract The taxonomic structure, typology, species richness, and total abundance of bentic and littoral macroinvertebrate communities from small lakes of the Arctic and Subarctic zones are considered on the basis of original data from three northern Palearctic regions (the foot of the Putorana Plateau, Kolguev Island, and Western Svalbard Island). A comparative analysis of the communities of these regions has been carried out. The features of High Arctic insular, Low Arctic, subarctic, and boreal lake communities are discussed using a large volume of literature data. The complex pattern of changes in the total benthos biomass of small lakes has been revealed: it decreases in the subarctic taiga, increases in the hypoarctic tundra, and decreases again in the High Arctic.


Pleiades Publishing Ltd


Aquatic Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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