1. Plasma Chemistry, Ed. by L. S. Polak and Yu. A. Lebedev (Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1991) [in Russian].
2. Encyclopedia of Low-Temperature Plasma, Ed. by V. E. Fortov: Introductional Volume IV (Nauka/Interperiodika, Moscow, 2000) [in Russian].
3. Encyclopedia of Low-Temperature Plasma, Ser. B, Vol. VIII-1: Chemistry of Low-Temperature Plasma, Ed. by Yu. A. Lebedev, N. A. Plate, and V. E. Fortov (Yanus-K, Moscow, 2005) [in Russian].
4. Encyclopedia of Low-Temperature Plasma, Ser. B, Vol. XI-5: Applied Plasma Chemistry, Ed. by Yu. A. Lebedev, N. A. Plate, and V. E. Fortov (Yanus-K, Moscow, 2006) [in Russian].s
5. B. P. Lavrov, in Plasma Chemistry, Ed. by B. M. Smirnov (Energoatomizdat, Moscow, 1984), Vol. 11 [in Russian], p. 45.