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3. F. M. Gaisin and E. E. Son, in Electrophysical Processes in Discharges with Solid and Liquid Electrodes (Izd. Ural’skogo Univ., Sverdlovsk, 1989) [in Russian].
4. Yu. F. Gortyshov, F. M. Gaisin, and V. G. Tonkonog, Thermophysics Experiments and Studies in Gas and Plasma Flows (Izd. Kazanskogo Gos. Tekh. Univ., Kazan, 1990) [in Russian].
5. F. M. Gaisin, E. E. Son, and Yu. I. Shakirov, Volume Discharge in a Vapor-Gas Medium between Solid and Liquid Electrodes (Izd. VZPI, Moscow, 1990) [in Russian].