1. B. Paczynski, in Wolf-Rayet and High Temperature Stars (IAU Symposium 49), Ed. by M. Barry and J. Sahade (D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1973), p. 143.
2. P. S. Conti, Mem. Soc. R. Sci. Liege Collect. 9(6), 193 (1976).
3. Wolf-Rayet Stars: Binaries, Colliding Winds, Evolution (IAU Symposium 163), Ed. by K. A. van der Hucht and P. M. Williams (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1995).
4. Wolf-Rayet Stars in the Framework of Stellar Evolution, Ed. by J. M. Vreux, A. Detal, D. Fraipont-Caro, E. Gosset, and G. Rauw (Liège Univ., Liège, 1996).
5. Wolf-Rayet Phenomena in Massive Stars and Starburst Galaxies (IAU Symposium 193), Ed. by K. A. van der Hucht, G. Koenigsberger, and P. R. G. Eenens (ASP, San Francisco, 1999).