1. V. A. Kuz’min, The Thyristors of Low and Middle Power (Sov. Radio, Moscow, 1971) [in Russian].
2. A. Blicher, Thyristor Physics (Springer, 1976).
3. M. I. D’yakonov and M. E. Levinshtein, Sov. Phys. Semicond. 12, 426 (1978).
4. M. I. D’yakonov and M. E. Levinshtein, Sov. Phys. Semicond. 12, 992 (1978).
5. I. V. Gpekhov, M. E. Levinshtein, and V. G. Sergeev, Sov. Phys. Semicond. 4, 1844 (1970).