1. M. S. Giampapa, in IAU Colloquium 71: Activity in Reddwarf Stars, Ed. by P. B. Byrne and M. Rodonó (Reidel, Dordrecht, 1983), p. 223.
2. P. P. Petrov, P. F. Chugainov, and A. G. Shcherbakov, Izv. Krym. Astrofiz. Obs. 69, 3 (1984).
3. J. G. Doyle and P. B. Byrne, in Proceedings of the 5th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, Ed. by J. L. Linsky and R. E. Stencel; Lect. Notes Phys. 291, 173 (1987).
4. J. G. Doyle, C. J. Butler, P. B. Byrne, and G. H. J. van den Oord, Astron. Astrophys. 193, 229 (1988).
5. R. D. Robinson, in IAU Colloquium 104: Solar and Stellar Flares, Ed. by B. M. Haisch and M. Rodonó (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1989), p. 83.