1. L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Course of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 8: Electrodynamics of Continuous Media, 2nd ed. (Nauka, Moscow, 1982; Pergamon, Oxford, 1984).
2. V. M. Agranovich and V. L. Ginzburg, Crystal Optics with Spatial Dispersion, and Excitons, 2nd ed. (Nauka, Moscow, 1979; Springer-Verlag, New York, 1984).
3. Artificial Materials Handbook, Vol. 1: Theory and Phenomena of Artificial Materials and Vol. 2: Applications of Artificial Materials, Ed. by F. Capolino (CRC Pr I Llc Publishers, New York, 2009).
4. A. K. Sarychev and V. A. Shalaev, Electrodynamics of Metamaterials (World Sci., Singapore, 2007).
5. G. Eleftheriades and K. G. Balmain, Negative-Refraction Metamaterials: Fundamental Principles and Applications (Wiley, New York, 2006).