1. K. Seeger, Semiconductor Physics (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1974; Mir, Moscow, 1977).
2. Physical Acoustics: Principles and Methods, Vol. IV: Applications to Quantum and Solid State Physics, Ed. by W. P. Mason (Academic, New York, 1966; Mir, Moscow, 1969).
3. G. L. Bir and G. E. Pikus, Symmetry and Strain-induced Effects in Semiconductors (Nauka, Moscow, 1972; Wiley, New York, 1975).
4. A. L. Polyakova, Deformation of Semiconductors and Semiconductor Devices (Énergiya, Moscow, 1979).
5. V. É. Gusev and A. A. Karabutov, Laser Optical Acoustics (Nauka, Moscow, 1991).