1. N. N. Semenov, Usp. Fiz. Nauk 23, 237 (1940).
2. N. N. Semenov, Selected Works (Nauka, Moscow, 2005), Vol. 3 [in Russian].
3. B. Lewis and G. von Elbe, Combustion, Explosions, and Flame in Gases (Academic, New York, 1987).
4. Ya. B. Zel’dovich, G. I. Barenblat, V. B. Librovich, and G. M. Makhviladze, Mathematical Theory of Combustion and Explosion (Nauka, Moscow, 1980; Plenum, New York, 1985).
5. Physical
Combustion (Sov. Entsiklopediya, Moscow, 1988), Vol. 1, p. 515 [in Russian].