1. V. N. Kondrat’ev and E. E. Nikitin, Kinetics and Mechanism of Gas-Phase Reactions (Nauka, Moscow, 1974) [in Russian].
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3. D. A. Frank-Kamenetskii, Usp. Khim. 10, 373 (1941).
4. V. V. Azatyan and E. I. Aleksandrov, “Combustion and Explosion,” in Proceedings of the 3rd All-Union Symposium on Combustion and Explosion, Leningrad, USSR, 1971 (Nauka, Moscow, 1972), p. 646.
5. P. Gray, J. F. Griffiths, S. M. Hasko, and P. G. Lignola, Combust. Flame 43, 175 (1981).