1. A. M. Rozen, Theory of Isotope Separation in Columns (Atomizdat, Moscow, 1960) [in Russian].
2. L. A. Nisel’son and V. N. Vigdorovich, in Proceedings of the All-Union Workshop on Production Methods of High Purity Substances (NIITEKhIM, Moscow, 1967), p. 48.
3. S. I. Kuznetsov, V. A. Sokolov, and I. P. Sedin, Separation and Analysis of Hydrocarbon Gases (Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow, 1963), p. 114 [in Russian].
4. Isotopes: Properties, Production, Application, Ed. by V. Yu. Baranov (IzdAT, Moscow, 2000) [in Russian].
5. Physical Chemistry of Mixture Separation, Ed. by N.M. Zhavoronkov (Inostr. Liter., Moscow, 1949) [in Russian].