1. V. S. Ivanova, Fatigue Fracture of Metals (Metallurgiya, Moscow, 1963) [in Russian].
2. V. S. Ivanova, S. E. Gurevich, I. M. Kop’ev, et al., Fatigue and Brittleness of Metal Materials (Nauka, Moscow, 1968) [in Russian].
3. V. T. Troschenko, Fatigue and Non-Elasticity of Metals (Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1971) [in Russian].
4. A. Kh. Cottrell, Dislocations and Plastic Flow in Crystals (Metallurgizdat, Moscow, 1958) [in Russian].
5. S. A. Saltykov, Stereometric Metallography (Metallurgizdat, Moscow, 1958) [in Russian].