1. V. K. Sloka, Problems of Radar Signal Processing (Sovetskoe Radio, Moscow, 1970) [in Russian].
2. P. A. Bakulev and M. V. Stepin, Methods and Devices of Moving Target Indication (Radio i Svyaz’, Moscow, 1986) [in Russian].
3. Multifunction Radar Systems, Ed. by B. G. Tatarskii (Drofa, Moscow, 2007) [in Russian].
4. E. C. Westerfield, R. H. Prager, and J. L. Stewart, IRE Trans. Inf. Theory 6, 342 (1960).
5. V. D. Yakovlev, in Proc. Sci-Eng. Conf. on the Results of Research Works for 1966–1967, Radio-Engineering Section, Subsection of Communication Systems, Stochastic Processes, and Control, Moscow, 1967 (MEI, Moscow, 1967), p. 145.