1. A. M. Vershik, Commentaries to the Russian Translation in the Book: J. von Neumann, Selected Works on Functional Analysis, vol. 1, Classics of Science (Nauka, Moscow 1987), pp. 5.
2. A. M. Vershik and S. I. Karpushev, “Cohomology of Groups in Unitary Representations, the Neighborhood of the Identity, and Conditionally Positive Definite Functions,” Mat. Sb. 119 (161):4 (12) (1982), 521–533; English transl., Math. USSR Sb. 47:2 (1984), 513–526.
3. A. Guichardet, Cohomologie des groupes topologiques et des algèbres de Lie (Paris: Cedic/Fernand Nathan 1980).
4. F. P. Greenleaf, Invariant Means on Topological Groups and Their Applications, Van Nostrand Math. Studies, vol. 16 (Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., London, 19690.
5. N. Dunford and J. T. Schwartz, Linear Operators. Part I. General Theory, A Wiley-Interscience Publication. Wiley Classics Library (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1988).