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3. S. A. Semiletov and R. M. Imamov, in Fifty Years of Electron Diffraction, Ed. by P. Goodman (D. Reidel, Dodrecht, 1981), p. 309; L. I. Man, R. M. Imamov, and S. A. Semiletov, Kristallografiya 21 (3), 628 (1976) [Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. 21, 355 (1976)].
4. Z. G. Pinsker and R. M. Imamov, Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys. 19, 926 (1981).
5. A. S. Avilov, R. M. Imamov, and S. A. Semiletov, Modern Electron Microscopy in Study of Matter (Nauka, Moscow, 1982), p. 73.