1. Bulletin of Banking Statistics, Central Bank of the Russian Federation, 2008–2013, pp. 35–68.
2. Galeev, E.M. and Tikhomirov, V.M., Optimizatsiya (Optimization), Moscow: Editorial URSS, 2000.
3. On the Statutory Requirements of Banks, Central Bank of the Russian Federation Instruction no. 139-i of December 3, 2012, Byull. Tsentr. Bank RF, 2012, no. 74, pp. 1–70.
4. Kendall, M.G. and Stuart, A., Inference and Relationship, London: Charles Griffin, 1967, 2nd ed. Translated under the title Statisticheskie vyvody i svyazi, Moscow: Nauka, 1973.
5. Cramér, H., Mathematical Methods of Statistics, Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1946. Translated under the title Matematicheskie metody statistiki, Moscow: Mir, 1975.