1. Sinitsyn, I.N., Stochastic Systems. Theory and Stochastic Information Technologies (I), in Istoriya nauki i tekhniki (The History of Science and Technology), Moscow: Nauchtekhlitizdat, 2008, no. 7, pp. 9–12.
2. Sinitsyn, I.N., Stochastic Systems. Theory and Stochastic Information Technologies (II), Sist. Vys. Dost., 2008, no. 2, pp. 25–35.
3. Sinitsyn, I.N., Kanonicheskie predstavleniya sluchainykh funktsii i ikh primenenie v zadachakh komp'yuternoi podderzhki nauchnykh issledovanii (Canonical Presentations of Random Functions and Their Application in Problem of Computer Support for Schientific Investigations), Moscow: TORUSPRESS, 2009.
4. Pugachev, V.S. and Sinitsyn, I.N., Teoriya stokhasticheskikh sistem, Moscow: Logos, 2000. Translated into English under the title Stochastic Systems. Theory and Applications, Singapore: World Scientific, 2001.
5. Sinitsyn, I.N., Sinitsyn, V.I., Korepanov, E.R., et al., Character Mathematical Support for Analysis and Modeling of Stochastic Systems Based on Canonical Expansions of Random Functions, Tr. VIII Mezhd. Konf. “Identifik. Sist. Zad. Upravlen.” (SICPRO'09) (Proc. VIII Int. Conf. Identification of Systems and Problems of Control (SICPRO'09), Moscow, 2009, pp. 1059–1072.