1. B. L. van der Waerden, Algebra (Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., New York, 1970; Nauka, Moscow, 1979).
2. J. F. Traub, Iterative Methods for the Solution of Equations (Chelsea, New York, 1982; Mir, Moscow, 1985).
3. L. S. Chkhartishvili, “Iterative solution of the secular equation,” Mat. Zametki 77(2), 303–310 (2005) [Math. Notes 77 (2), 273–279 (2005)].
4. L. S. Chkhartishvili, “Volume of the intersection of three spheres,” Mat. Zametki 69(3), 466–476 (2001) [Math. Notes 69 (3), 421–428 (2001)].
5. L. S. Chkhartishvili, Quasi-Classical Theory of the Ground State of Matter (Izd. “Technical University,” Tbilisi, Georgia, 2004) [in Russian].