1. N. Temirgaliev, Mathematics: Selected Works (Izd. ENU, Astana, 2009) [in Russian].
2. N. Temirgaliev, Computational Width. Algebraic Number Theory and Harmonic Analysis in Reconstruction Problems (Quasi-Monte-Carlo method). Embedding and Approximation Theory. Fourier Series, Special issue containing the prominent works of mathematicians of Gumilev Eurasian National University, Astana, Vestnik ENU, 1 (2010).
3. Sh. U. Azhgaliev, Mat. Zametki 82(2), 177 (2007) [Math. Notes 82 (2), 153 (2007)].
4. A. B. Utesov, The Problem of Reconstructing Functions and Integrals for Generalized Classes and the Solutions of the Heat Equation, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.) Dissertation (Almaaty, 2001) [in Russian].
5. E. I. Shangireev, On the Reconstruction of the Solutions of the Wave Equation, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.) Dissertation (Karaganda, 2002) [in Russian].