1. Atlas of socio-economic development of the South of Russia, Ed. by A.G. Druzhinina (Vuzovskaya kniga, Moscow, 2011) [in Russian].
2. Regions of Russia. Socio-economic indexes. 2014, Moscow, FSGS. http://www.gks.ru/bgd/regl/b14_14p/Main.htm
3. Socio-economic situation of federal districts. 2014, Moscow, FSGS. http://www.gks.ru/bgd/regl/b14_20/Main.htm
4. According to: Socio-economic situation of the Southern federal district in January–February, 2013. Informationanalytical material (Rosstat. Territorial authority of Federal service of government statistics on Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don, 2014) [in Russian].
5. Regions of Russia. Socio-economic indexes. 2012. Stat. sb (Rosstat, Moscow, 2013) [in Russian].