1. Composite author, “The Future of Russia: Inertial Development versus Innovation Breakthrough: A Long-term Scenario Forecast,” Probl. Prognozir. 16(5) (2005) [Stud. Russ. Econ. Dev. 16 (5) (2005)].
2. The Population of Russia 2000: Eighths Annual Demographic Report, Ed. by A. G. Vishnevskii (Knizhnyi dom “Universitet,” Moscow, 2001) [in Russian].
3. Government Report On the State of the Mineral Base of the Russian Federation (Minpriordy RF, Minekonomrazvitiya RF i Minenergo RF, 2001) [in Russian].
4. World Petroleum Assessment 2000. Assessment Results Summary-Russia (USGS, 2001).
5. F. Birol, Outlook for European Gas Demand. Supply and Investments to 2030 (IEA).