1. Federal Statistics Agency, http://www.gks.ru
2. Concept of long-term social and economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020, adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation as of 17 November 2008, No.1662-p. http://www.consultant.ru
3. Concept of demographic development of the Russian Federation until 2015, adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation as of 24 September 2001, No. 1270-p http://www.consultant.ru
4. Concept of demographic policy of the Russian Federation until 2025, adopted by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1351 as of 9 October 2007 http://text.document.kremlin.ru
5. V. G. Dobrokhleb, “Regional opportunities of regulating the reproductive behavior of the population / V.G. Dobrokhleb, A.A. Shabunova, O.N. Kalachikova,” Region: Economics and Sociology, No. 3 (2012).