1. Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry in Russia. Statistics Digest (Rosstat, Moscow, 2009) [in Russian].
2. State Program of Agricultural Development and Regulation of Markets of Agricultural Produce, Raw Materials, and Food for 2008–2012 (MSKh RF, Moscow, 2007) [in Russian].
3. National Report for 2009 on Performance of the State Program of Agricultural Development for 2008–2012 (MSKh RF, Moscow, 2010) [in Russian].
4. I. G. Ushachev, “Results of Implementation in 2009 of the State Program of Agricultural Development and Regulation of Markets of Agricultural Produce, Raw Materials, and Food for 2008–2012”, APK, Ekonomika, Upravlenie, No. 5 (2010).
5. I. G. Ushachev, “Rural Department of Russia”, Direct Invest., No. 5 (2010).