1. Lyapunov, A.M., On Constant Helical Motions of a Solid Body in Fluid, Comm. Soc. Math. Kharkow, 1888, vol. 1, nos. 1–2, pp. 7–60.
2. Lyapunov, A.M., New Case of Integrability of Equations of Motion of a Solid Body in Fluid, Comm. Soc. Math. Kharkow, 1893, vol. 4, nos. 1–2, pp.81–85.
3. Steklov, V.A., O dvizhenii tverdogo tela v zhidkosti (On the Motion of a Rigid Body in a Fluid), Kharkov, 1893.
4. Lyapunov, A.M., About Integration of the Differential Equations of Motion for a Rigid Body in Fluid, Unpublished manuscript (145 pages), 1893, RAS Archive, St. Petersburg Section.
5. Lyapunov, A.M., On the Motion of a Heavy Rigid Body in the Two Cases Indicated by Clebsch, Unpublished manuscript (8 pages), 1888–1893, RAS Archive, St. Petersburg Section.