1. R. A. Monzingo and T. U. Miller, Introduction to Adaptive Arrays (Wiley, New York, 1980; Radio Svyaz’, Moscow, 1986).
2. A. A. Pistol’kors and O. S. Litvinov, Introduction into Adaptive Antennae Theory (Nauka, Moscow, 1991) [in Russian].
3. V. I. Il’ichev, A. Ya. Kalyuzhnyi, L. G. Krasnyi, and V. Yu. Lapii, Statistical Theory of Hydroacoustic Signal Detection (Nauka, Moscow, 1992) [in Russian].
4. H. L. van Trees, Optimum Array Processing:. Part IV of Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory (Wiley, New York, 2002).
5. Robust Adaptive Beam Forming Ed. by J. Li and P. Stoica, (Wiley, Hoboken, 2006).