1. V. I. Trembovlya, E. D. Finger, and A. A. Avdeeva, Heat—Technical Testings of Boiler Units (Energiya, Moscow, 1977) [in Russian].
2. Instructional Guidelines on Design of Furnace Arrangements of Energetic Boilers, Ed. by E. Kh. Verbovetskii and N. S. Zhmerik, (NPO TsKTI, St. Petersburg, 1996}) [in Russian]
3. G. I. Doverman, B. L. Shelygin, A. V. Moshkarin, and Yu. V. Mel’nikov, Calculation of Boiler Units with the Use of Modern Program Products (Ivanov. Gos. Energ. Univ., Ivanovo, 2007) [in Russian].
4. Heat Calculation of Boiler Units (Normative Method), Ed. by N. V. Kuznetsov, (Energiya, Moscow, 1973) [in Russian].
5. Calculation and Design of Dust—Preparatory Units of Boiler Plants (Normative Materials): Guide Lines (NPO TsKTI, Leningrad, 1971) [in Russian].