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3. Radtsig, A.A. and Smirnov, B.M., Spravochnik po atomnoi i molekulyarnoi fizike (A Handbook on Atomic and Molecular Physics), Moscow: Atomizdat, 1980 [in Russian].
4. Biberman, L.M., Vorob’ev, V.S., and Yakubov, I.T., Kinetika neravnovesnoi nizkotemperaturnoi plazmy, Moscow: Nauka, 1982. Translated under the title Kinetics of Nonequilibrium Low-Temperature Plasma, New York: Plenum, 1987.
5. Teplofizicheskie svoistva rabochikh sred gazofaznogo yadernogo reaktora (Thermophysical Properties of the Working Media of a Gas-Phase Nuclear Reactor), Ievlev, V.M., Ed., Moscow: Atomizdat, 1980 [in Russian].