1. Orbeli, L.A., Izbrannye trudy (v 5-ti tomakh). T. 1. Voprosy evolyutsionnoi fiziologii (Selected Writings (in 5 volumes). V.1. Questions of evolutionary physiology), Koshtoyants, S., Ed., Moscow–Leningrad: Akad. nauk SSR, 1961.
2. Orbeli L.A., Vospominaniya (Memoirs), Kreps, E.M, Eds., Moscow: Nauka, 1966.
3. Leibson, L.G., Akademik Orbeli. Neopublikovannye glavy biografii (Academician Orbeli. Unpublished Chapters of Biography), Leningrad: Nauka, 1990.
4. Orbeli, L.A., Izbrannye trudy (v 5-ti tomakh). T. 2. Adaptatsionno-troficheskaya funktsiya nervnoi sistemy (Selected Writings (in 5 volumes). V.2. Adaptation-Trophic Function of Nervous System), Kreps, E.M, Ed., Moscow–Leningrad: Akad. nauk SSR, 1962 .
5. Orbeli, L.A., Izbrannye trudy (v 5-ti tomakh). T. 3. Voprosy vysshei nervnoi deyatel’nosti i ee razvitiya (Selected Writings (in 5 volumes). V. 3. Problems of Higher Nervous Activity and its Development), Kreps, E.M, Ed., Moscow–Leningrad: Akad. nauk SSR, 1964.