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2. D. S. Bulgakov, I. I. Karmanov, D. I. Rukhovich, and E. V. Vil’chevskaya, “Agroclimatic areas with the list of general cultured: a map,” in National Soil Atlas of Russian Federation, Ed. by S. A. Shoba (Astrel’, Moscow 2011), pp. 290–292.
3. N. I. Vavilov, A New System of Cultivated Plants (Moscow, 1940), pp. 27–44.
4. P. P. Vavilov, Crop Growing (Agropromizdat, Moscow, 1986) [in Russian].
5. H. Walter, Vegetation of the Earth and Ecological Systems of the Geo-Biosphere (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1979; Progress, Moscow, 1975).