1. Samarskii, A.A. and Mikhailov, A.P., Matematicheskoe modelirovanie (Mathematical Modeling), Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2002.
2. Akhromeeva, T.S., Kurdyumov, S.P., Malinetskii, G.G., and Samarskii, A.A., Struktury i khaos v nelineinykh sredakh (Structures and Chaos in Nonlinear Media), Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2007.
3. Bhatia, N.P. and Hajek, O., Local Semi-Dynamical Systems, Berlin, 1969 (Lect. Notes in Math, vol. 90).
4. Henry, D., Geometric Theory of Semilinear Parabolic Equations, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1981. Translated under the title Geometricheskaya teoriya polulineinykh parabolicheskikh uravnenii, Moscow: Mir, 1985.
5. Volterra, V., Leçóns sur la théorie mathematique de la lutte pour la vie, Paris: Gauthiers-Villars, 1931. Translated under the title Matematicheskaya teoriya bor’by za sushchestvovanie, Moscow: Nauka, 1976.