1. Isaacs, R., Differential Games, New
York–London–Sydney: John Wiley and Sons, 1965. Translated under the title: Differentsial’nye igry, Moscow: Mir, 1967.
2. Pontryagin, L.S., Izbrannye nauchnye trudy. T.
2 (Selected Scientific Works. Vol. 2), Moscow: Nauka, 1988.
3. Blaquière, A., Gérard, F., and Leitmann, G., Quantitative and Qualitative Differential Games, New York–London:
Academic Press, 1969.
4. Krasovskii, N.N., Igrovye zadachi o vstreche dvizhenii
(Game Problems on the Encounter of Motions), Moscow: Nauka, 1970.
5. Friedman, A., Differential Games,
New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1971.