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2. V. V. Akinin, A. N. Evdokimov, E. A. Korago, and F. M. Stupak, “Recent volcanism of the Arctic margin of northern Eurasia,” in Environment and Climatic Changes: Natural and Associated Technogenic Catastrophes, Ed. by V.I. Kovalenko, V.V. Yarmolyuk, and O.A. Bogatikov (IGEM RAN, Moscow, 2002), pp. 41–80 [in Russian].
3. V. V. Akinin and E. L. Miller, “Evolution of calc-alkaline magmas of the Okhotsk–Chukotka volcanic belt,” Petrology 19 (3), 217–236 (2011).
4. V. V. Akinin and A. V. Alshevsky, “New occurrence of alkali basalts with mantle xenoliths in the Northern Okhotsk region,” in Geology, Geography, Biological Diversity, and Resources of Northeast Russia. Proceedings of All-Russian Conference on 100th Anniversary of A.P. Vas’kovskii, Magadan, Russia, 2011 (SVTsN DVO RAN, Magadan, 2011), p. 6 [in Russian].
5. V. V. Akinin, Extended Abstract of Docotoral Dissertation in Geology and Mineralogy (IGEM RAN, Moscow, 2012).