1. Air-breathing jet engine. Big Russian Encyclopedia. Access: www.bigenc.ru/technology_and_technique/text/4419596.
2. B.S. Stechkin, Theory of the air-jet engine, Tekhnika Vozdushnogo Flota, 1929, No. 2.
3. B.S. Stechkin, Theory of air-breathing jet engines, Bulletin of the Air Fleet, No. 3, P. 38–45; No. 4, P. 41–49; No. 5, P. 46–50, Moscow, VIMVS USSR, 1947.
4. B.S. Stechkin, Selected works: Theory of Thermal Engines, Part 1, Theory of Jet Engines and Blade Machines, Moscow, Fizmatlit, 2001.
5. G.G. Chernyi, Gas Dynamics: Student’s Book for Universities and Higher Technical Educational Institutions, Moscow, Nauka, 1988.