1. Lyubushin, A.A., Pisarenko, V.F., Ruzhich, V.V., and Buddo, V.Yu., The Identification of Periodicities in Seismic Regime, Vulkanol. Seismol., 1998, no. 1, pp. 62–76.
2. Lyubushin, A.A., The Analysis of Canonical Coherences in Problems of Geophysical Monitoring, Fizika Zemli, 1998, no. 1, pp. 59–66.
3. Lyubushin, A.A., The Wavelet Aggregate Signal and Synchronous Spikes in Problems of Geophysical Monitoring and Earthquake Prediction, Fizika Zemli, 2000, no. 3, pp. 20–30.
4. Lyubushin, A.A., Periodicities and Rhythms of Global Seismicity in the 20th Century, in Sovmestnoe zasedanie sessii nauchnogo seminara OGGGGN RAN “Teoreticheskie problemy geologii” i X nauchnogo seminara “Sistema Planeta Zemlya” po teme: “Ritmichnost’ tsiklichnost’ v geologii kak otrazhenie obshchikh zakonov razvitiya” (Joint sitting of the OGGGGN RAN seminar session “Theoretical Problems of Geology” and the X seminar “The Planet Earth System”, topic “Rhythmicity and Cyclicity in Geology as a Reflection of General Development Laws”, February 7–8, 2002. Abstracts of papers, OGGGGN RAN seminar, Moscow: 2002, pp. 66–67.
5. Lyubushin, A.A., Pisarenko, V.F., Bolgov, M.V., and Rukavishnikova, T.A., A Study in the General Effects Resulting from River Drainage Variations, Meteorol. Gidrol., 2003, no. 7, pp. 76–88.