1. A. P. Khromov, ‘‘Divergent series and functional equations related to geometric progression,’’ in Modern Methods of the Theory of Boundary Value Problems: Proceedings of the International Conference Pontryagin Readings – XXX, May 3–9, 2019 (VGU, Voronezh, 2019), pp. 291–300.
2. A. P. Khromov, ‘‘On the classical solution of a mixed problem for a homogeneous wave equation with fixed ends and zero initial velocity,’’ Izv. Sarat. Univ., Nov. Ser., Ser.: Mat. Mekh. Inform. 19, 280–287 (2019).
3. A. P. Khromov, ‘‘Divergent series and the Fourier method for the wave equation,’’ in Modern Problems of Function Theory and their Applications: Proceedings of the 20th International Saratov Winter School, Saratov, January 28–February 1, 2020 (Saratov, 2020), pp. 433–439.
4. A. P. Khromov and V. V. Kornev, ‘‘Divergent series in the Fourier method for the wave equation,’’ Tr. Inst. Mat. Mekh. UrO RAN 27, 215–238 (2021).
5. Divergent series and a generalized mixed problem for the wave equation;A. P. Khromov,2022