1. I. A. Aleksandrov, Parametric Extensions in the Theory of Univalent Functions (Nauka, Moscow, 1976) [in Russian].
2. N. I. Akhiezer, Elements of the Theory of Elliptic Functions, Vol. 79 of AMS Transl. Math. Monographs (Fizmatlit, Moscow, 1970; AMS, Rhode Island, 1990).
3. N. I. Akhiezer, ‘‘Aerodynamic studies,’’ Tr. Fiz.-Mat. Otdel. AN Ukr. SSR 7, 223–231 (1928).
4. G. M. Goluzin, ‘‘On the parametric representation of functions univalent in a ring,’’ Mat. Sb. (N.S.) 29 (71), 469–476 (1951).
5. G. M. Goluzin, ‘‘On conformal mapping of doubly connected domains bounded by rectilinear and circular polygons,’’ in Conformal Mapping of Simply and Multiply Connected Domains, Sci. Studies of Inst. Math. Mech. Leningr. State Univ. (ONTI, Glav. Red. Fiz.-Mat. Lit., Moscow, 1937), pp. 90–97.