1. Tsypkin, Ya.Z., Perekhodnye i ustanovivshiesya protsessy v impul'snykh sistemakh (Transition and Steady-State Processes in Impulse Systems), Moscow: Gosenergoizdat, 1951.
2. Tsypkin, Ya.Z., Teoriya impul'snykh sistem (Theory of Impulse Systems), Moscow: Fizmatgiz, 1958.
3. Tsypkin, Ya.Z., Teoriya lineinykh impul'snykh sistem (Theory of Linear Impulse Systems), Moscow: Fizmatgiz, 1963.
4. Polyak, B.T., Development of Automatic Control Theory, Probl. Upravlen., 2009, no. 3.1, pp. 13–18.
5. Halanay, A. and Wexler, D., Teoria Calitativă a Sistemelor cu Impulsuri, Bucureşti: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, 1968. Translated under the title Kachestvennaya teoriya impul'snykh sistem, Moscow: Mir, 1971.